World-renowned artist and thinker and author of the international best-seller, The Zen of Seeing, Frederick Franck turns his eye and his hand to a life-long love: the human form. In over a hundred of his beautifully reproduced drawings of the human body in all its variations, he explores the central question of what it means to be human. His sincere and simple humanity rings clear and loud in the many contemplations of his life experiences, and in his fond appreciation for the models and people he has drawn through the years. As Franck expresses it, "the on-going meditation by hand and eye taught me more about life than any psychologizing and philosophizing." Here is a unique revelation of the inner journey of this celebrated and beloved artist and thinker. "Like Franck's Zen of Seeing, this new book from his pen is not so much about drawing from life as about his pilosophy of life and art. It also affords the reader a unique glimpse into the author's personal life and work. What Franck seeks to accomplish through his art is 'the breakthrough to a specifically human quality of perception in a less than human world, a leap from programmed looking-at to the original capacity of seeing that was part of our human equipment long before abstract, quantifying thinking ever began'. He describes the act of drawing from life as 'utterly sensuous — which does not imply that it is the least bit sensual. It is noetiic, it is relevatory, it is celebratory.' As the ample illustration in this volume bear out, Franck lives his philosophy, which is surely the best possible recommendation." — Spectrum Review
Trade paperback 8 1/2 x 11 128 pages Illustrated with 106 original drawings ISBN 0-915556-19-7 LC 89-30757 CIP